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[NL]17-刘彦菁 Msc Mechanical Engineering @ Technische Universiteit Delft


GPA 3.73/4 (rank:5/31) ;

TOEFL: 97;


  • AD(1):
    • [TU Delft] Msc Mechanical Engineering(track: Biomechanical Design)






10.12 注册网申账号

11.7 提交申请

12.1 step1 (Checking application for completeness)

12.2 step2 (Admissions Office)

12.4 step3 (Application assessment)

12.8 step4 (Notification admission decision)收到rej

12.14 发送argument letter

1.5 step3&4更新 收到ad



1. 询问拒绝理由


Dear Yanjing Liu,

We regret to inform you that the Selection Committee has declined your application for admission to the MSc programme 2021-2023 in Master Mechanical Engineering at TU Delft.

Your application has been rejected for the following reason(s):

  • The Committee considers the course package of your BSc programme insufficient. Good chances of success in the ME-BMD programme depend on extensive experience with mechanical design projects at the BSc level. Your transcript contains too many general (engineering) knowledge courses, and too little mechanical design experience apart from your thesis project.

TU Delft's admission requirements for MSc programmes can be found on our website.

On behalf of the Executive Board, we thank you for your interest in our university and wish you the best of luck in your future endeavours.

2. 起草argue信


这里提供我的思路作为参考:1.对方为什么拒绝 2.为什么对方会从申请材料中得出这个结论 3. 有什么补充材料可以对这个结论进行反驳

其中,2+3的阐述构成了argument letter的主题段落。


  • 对方为什么拒绝 - 本科课程设置缺少mechanical design experience
  • 为什么对方会从申请材料中得出这个结论 - 有两门比较重要的必修课在大四学期修,但是提交申请的时候成绩单没有体现;文书整体结构不好,对个人的项目经历描述存在欠缺
  • 有什么补充材料可以对这个结论进行反驳 - 大四修读课程说明;课外实践经历材料

最终auguement letter主体分为三部分:

1.我已上过的有涉及mechanical design experience的课程 2.由于我们的培养方案,大四学年有修读相关课程但没有在成绩单中体现 3.课外相关的项目经历,并且附件提供了提到过的课程的大纲以及课外项目的证明材料。

这里也放上我的argument letter的开头和结尾作为参考。

Dear Mr./Ms. ,

I am writing this appeal to re-address my fitted candidacy for the MSc programme in Master Mechanical Engineering at TU Delft I applied. I felt a little stunned by your rejection saying that a lack of mechanical design projects in course package of my BSc programme leads to the result, as I was very confident about my BSc course structure, academic ability, and project experience. Thus, I am writing to hopefully receive your attention and reconsideration for admission decision made for the following reasons:


All in all, I have well prepared for future study in ME-BMD programme at TU Delft. Please reconsider my application. Thanks for your time.

3.发送arguement letter

除了Addmission Office(ao),argue信最好也发一份给项目的负责人or官方联系的邮箱。比如我的argue信也同时发给了,也就是delft机械工程项目下Biomechanical design track的联系邮箱,并抄送这个track的负责人。这个邮箱地址需要去项目的官网or所属院系的人员网页获取。 传说中在圣诞假期前后发送argue信成功概率高,我勉强能算是圣诞前发的。但是最好还是在收到录取结果的一周以内发送。



delft的ao官方提供的咨询邮件处理时间是5个工作日,这类邮件的回复时间会比正常的咨询邮件处理时间久。我刚好撞了圣诞假,将近一个月的等待后收到了两封邮件,一封是ao告知录取结果的,一封是3ME系里的邮件解释他们为什么重新给offer。主要还是上述理由的2&3起到了作用,也提到了他们对于desgn project的要求。对于我们专业来说大四的两门必修课产品设计实践和创新设计理论与实践是他们认为属于design project experience的部分,而CAD课程和机械设计是不符合的。

Your application has been reconsidered and the committee has reviewed the extra information you provided and now sees enough evidence of design project experience. This was not the case initially, in part because we do not consider CAD-specific courses and general courses on machine design in this key category because these are usually not open-ended design projects. But the courses in the last year of your curriculum are indeed what we look for.

